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Horten Ho 229 Flying Wing
Zoukei-Mura (SWS48-03)

Started: Mar 2016
Finished: Aug 2016
Link to Build

Adding to my limited Luftwaffe collection, here we have the somewhat unusual Horten Ho229 Flying Wing. This model could very well be considered a 'what-if' as the Ho229 never saw operational service before end of the war. Zoukei-Mura originally released this aircraft in their 1:32 series and have since scaled it down to 1:48, my preferred scale.

The model is built entirely out of the box, with the only addition being some belts made from lead foil. The model is finished with a combination of Gunze Mr Color lacquer, Tamiya Acrylic and Alclad II metalic paints.

Designed by ZM as one of those 'clear' or 'see thru' models I chose to instead finish my model in a more realistic finish.